What is the role of an elder? Our Elders are those that are seasoned in their faith and walk in wisdom and integrity. They are entrusted to give spiritual guidance and oversight to the church-body as a whole as the Lord leads. They aim to hear where the Lord wants to take us as a church body as they lean into the Lord through prayer and intercession.

Dawn & Doug Fick

Pat & Nikki Fossett

Mary Fecht
Team Leaders
Our Team Leaders are Spirit-led, wind-driven leaders. They are responsible for leading and overseeing the different ministry areas of Rock City Church. They are here to reflect the heart of the Father, as well as the heart of Pastor David & Amber, to everyone they encounter. They all love, pray, teach, prophecy, encourage and correct those under their care with the Pastor’s heartbeat.

Jeff Panknin
Executive Pastor

Dawn Fick
Associate Pastor / Elder / Prayer Team Leader

Jordan Deal
Connections Pastor

Amber Bendett
Senior Pastor & Kids Director

Nathan Hardin
Worship Co-Team Leader

Mark Marquez
Worship Co-Team Leader

Lacie Panknin
Women's Ministry Team Leader

Matthew Valladao
Creative Director

Luis Buentello
Usher Team Leader