
School of Ministry

Equipping holistic believers to build holistic churches


The Firestorm School of Ministry (FSM) started with a vision to reproduce what a healthy kingdom culture should look like in a local church.

FSM is designed to to train up holistic believers to build holistic churches. This is accomplished through a 3-year intensive school with the first two years being in-classroom education, and the third year being an hands-on practicum internship. All classes will be in-person only. 


What Does Holistic Mean?

The term holistic is characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can only be explained by referencing the whole. This means that all parts are intricately connected and make up the main thing, an example being a person’s body. The hand, foot, or face doesn’t make a man, but rather all the parts of a person’s body make up the sum of who a person is. This is the understanding of being the Body of Christ.

In ministry, holistic thinking directs us to see that all parts are equally important in the mission of building God’s family all over the Earth. This mission is greater than ministry; however, we need ministers that build the mission and vision of God, that which Jesus gave His life for.

School Breakdown

What does FSM practically look like?

Year One

The first year of Firestorm School of Ministry is called the “Foundations” year. Year one courses consist of a variety of topics that bring a Biblical world-views into everyday life. The purpose of these classes is to ensure that the heart and life of the believer is healthy and whole. This is done with an emphasis on identity, discipleship, character & family.

Year Two

The second year is the “Training & Equipping” year. Year two courses focus on “the more” God has in store for us as believers in the context of spiritual natures, gifts, and offices. In this second year, students will be trained in a variety of topics related to the supernatural activity of the Kingdom of God. This is done with an emphasis on the supernatural being normal and the government of God being the standard of leadership on the Earth as it is in Heaven.

Topics to be trained on will include: Gifts of the Spirit, dream interpretation, fulfilling the great commission, the acts and ways of God, and so much more…

Year Three

The third year is the “Practicum” or “Internship” year. This is the “hands-on” training ” by doing the works Jesus did. Year three students will actively participate and lead in local church ministries with the intent to build and plant churches locally and in the nations.

The students that complete all three years of the Firestorm School of Ministry will be prepared to advance the kingdom of God in a healthy and powerful way–Jesus and family first, building and advancing second.

Upon satisfactory completion of FSM, students will have the opportunity for greater leadership, sending, licensure, and even ordination from Rock City Church.

Why Should You Attend?

You open the door of opportunity for greater leadership, sending, licensure, and even ordination from Rock City Church.

You will be trained & equipped for the supernatural activity of the Kingdom of God

You will actively advance the Kingdom of God in a healthy & powerful way

You will become a holistic believer: Healthy & Whole

Ministry Rooms Are Available Now!

Rock City Church offers Healing, Prophecy, and Dream Interpretation to congregants and their immediate family members. Go to the link below to request an appointment and submit an online application. Multiple slots are available on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:00pm and 7:30pm each month (starting Summer of 2024, this schedule may change). We are thankful that you desire to seek God’s kingdom with us!


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