Below are the steps to take before going All-In with us!
Step 1: Culture
There are millions of different churches all over the world and every church has its own unique culture. Rock City is no different… We have our own culture, language, and definitions. Our culture is vibrant, multicultural, familial, biblically based, Kingdom driven, and Spirit-led in every way possible.
We have new people coming into Rock City every single week and from every walk of life. Our first step for everyone who is feeling led into Rock City is to come to our monthly “CULTURE” class that takes place on the first Sunday of every month immediately following our second service. This is a brief, 1 hour meet-and-greet, where you can get to know some of our leaders, have refreshments, as well as hear more about the heart and language of Rock City Church. We want to do everything in our power to help whomever the Lord is leading to Rock City to have the freedom to ask whatever questions they may have about who we are and what we do.
This is just the first step on our journey together and we look forward to taking it with you. Anyone can attend our monthly “Culture” class. Registration does help us prepare better. Please register by tapping the button below
Step 2: Serve
There is never a shortage of things to do or places to serve at Rock City Church… That will always exist. With that said, our heart for all those who are taking their second step at Rock City is not to serve for your identity, but rather from your identity in Christ. We desire for everyone to know who they are Christ and what serving looks like from that position. We believe that everyone can and needs to find a place where they can help serve in some form or fashion. We don’t want this because we “have positions that need to be filled” but rather because we know, without a doubt, the spiritual benefits to serving in every believer’s life. Serving activates the eternal Kingdom principle of “Sowing and Reaping” and we want to see everyone reaping a harvest in their lives.
After completing our “Step 1: Culture” class you are sent an invite to our online “Step 2: Serve 101” class. Included in this link is a 30 minute video on what the “heart” of serving looks like according to the scriptures as well as how it works at Rock City Church specifically. After the video is finished a basic interest form and background check is filled out and from there we are officially ready to get you activated into whatever you feel the Lord is leading you to be a part of.
We are excited to take this next step with you and can not wait to begin the process of serving alongside one another.
Have any questions?