Rock City Family: Get ready!
Prophet Kevin Leal, a father to the house, will be with us this upcoming Sunday, Januray 9th and Wednesday, January 12th. This will be a special time of teaching and equipping. You will not want to miss what is bound to be a POWERFUL week. If you’ve been around for awhile then you know just how marking this time is for us a church body. We encourage you to make every effort to attend. Come expectant, God is on the move.
Sunday, January 9th – 10AM | 11:30AM | 6PM
Wednesday, January 12th – 7PM

For over 30 years Kevin has been operating as a prophet to the Body of Christ. Kevin discovered his prophetic gift while witnessing to the lost and in his weekly cell group meetings. In his early years of ministry Kevin would prophesy over hundreds of people during the course of a two or 3 day meeting with amazing accuracy.
Kevin’s ministry emphasis is building & equipping those that could eventually become apostolic leaders of leaders who have the capacity to build local churches that will have a regional and global impact.
Many of Kevin’s meeting are marked by an unusual Presence from the Holy Spirit that causes both the leaders and workers to have a ministry awakening of the same kind he experienced, creating an intense desire within the hearts of people to go from desiring blessing to building, watching to working, and from education to equipping for real life ministry with an intense supernatural impact to their situation and generation.