Our mission is to equip our volunteers with all the tools they will need to successfully teach in the classrooms. Our goal is to create an atmosphere where our children feel loved, safe, and treasured. Our hope is to see salvation among the next generation in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas.
Our vision is to encourage and equip our children to be on fire and wholeheartedly dedicated to God by engraving the written word on their hearts. We want to show our children how to experience God for themselves and empower them to live as true sons and daughters.
What does this look like?
We make sure the curriculum we teach is biblically accurate and is in line with the heartbeat of Rock City. We empower our teachers to have freedom in the classroom to be spirit-led when teaching lessons. We have personal relationships with our volunteers and walk life out with them. We allow the children to steward their gifts in the classroom by practicing laying hands, praying, and prophesying over one another.

6 weeks to 2 years
During your child’s visit, they will be cared for both emotionally and physically by our nursery volunteers. Volunteers will change diapers, bottle feed, provide a snack, hold, rock and comfort your child throughout their stay. Our nursery gives children the opportunity to grow in a loving, caring environment that teaches life lessons in a biblical model.

ages 3 to 5
Preschool volunteers are committed to helping our little ones understand worship and encourage them to talk to God any time and any place. Volunteers will lead your children through a meaningful bible lesson, followed by an exciting activity or craft. Lessons are kept simple and fun. It is our hope that these truths take a firm hold of our children’s hearts and are carried with them for the rest of their lives.

ages 6 to 10
During each service, your children are invited to participate in a safe, fun and purposeful time of worship and teaching to learn more about God. We are committed to helping your child grow in every aspect of their relationship with Jesus Christ and knowledge of His Word. Sunday mornings are designed for our kids to learn the importance of studying the Word of God and spending time with Jesus. Wednesday nights are geared towards small group discussions and lessons pertaining to the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives.
First Time Visitor?
Register your child now to save time at check-in!
Want to serve or have any questions?