Get Fired Up!
This is the best time to be alive, and we want to see you fired up, full of love, and passionate for Jesus! We know searching for a new home-church can be a challenge for various reasons; but, we also know that when the Holy Spirit leads you to the right church family, our lives are enriched and changed forever. Growing a garden, building a house, raising up a family, and empowering community are just some of the terms we use to define who we are and what we do.

What to Expect
Rock City Church is a full-gospel Spirit-filled church in Corpus Christi Texas that focuses on experiencing God’s love and power in a profound way. It’s His presence and love that changes lives, and that’s what we seek above all else. Spirit-led worship, Wind-driven teaching, and a unified family that loves well is what makes the Rock City experience so life impacting. So, expect to feel His love and life the minute you walk through the front doors.

Let’s Do Life Together
One of our many mottos at Rock City Church is, “you aren’t what you do; you do what you are.” Meaning, we discover God’s call and purpose for our lives out of relationship, identity, and serving His people.Whether you’re completely new to church or just haven’t been for a while, we’d love to see you. Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays.
We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Take a moment to fill out the form by clicking the button below. This allows us to know you a little more, and will help us serve you better. Have children? Register them today and save time at check-in! All in one simple form.