In the concluding message of the ‘1%’ series, we delve into the incredible journey of David’s mighty men and their transformation from outcasts to champions of faith. This blog explores the characteristics that define a true 1%er in the Kingdom of God, encouraging us to rise above the challenges of today’s world and embody the spirit of David’s warriors.


Table of Contents

The Importance of Identity and Sonship

Understanding our identity in Christ is fundamental to becoming a true 1%er. Knowing we are sons and daughters of God shapes our actions and attitudes. It instills confidence and purpose.

David exemplified this identity. Despite his flaws, he always returned to God. His life was a journey of embracing his sonship, which empowered his leadership and faith.

True sonship eradicates victim mentality. It replaces shame with empowerment. It propels us to walk in love and authority, just as David did.

Walking in True Sonship

  • Embrace your identity as a child of God.
  • Reject the lies of shame and inadequacy.
  • Walk confidently in the love and authority given by Christ.


True 1%ers and Healthy Marriages

Healthy marriages are a hallmark of true 1%ers. These relationships require effort, sacrifice, and a commitment to love deeply. They reflect Christ’s love for the church.

David’s relationship with Michal, though complex, teaches us about the challenges and triumphs in marriage. Despite their struggles, the foundation was always a pursuit of God’s heart.

In a world where marriages often fail, true 1%ers stand out by their dedication to godly principles. They strive to embody Christ’s sacrificial love in their relationships.

Principles for a Godly Marriage

  • Prioritize your relationship with God.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with your spouse.
  • Practice forgiveness and grace daily.
  • Lay down your life for your spouse, emulating Christ’s love.


Spiritual Warfare and the 1% Christian

True 1% Christians are warriors in the spiritual realm. They understand the battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. David’s mighty men were not only physical warriors but spiritual ones as well.

Just as David’s men fought for their king, we must fight for our King, Jesus. This involves prayer, fasting, and living righteously. It means standing firm against the enemy’s schemes.

We are called to be vigilant and disciplined, ready to engage in spiritual warfare at any moment. This is what sets the 1% Christian apart from the rest.

Equipping for Spiritual Battle

  • Stay rooted in the Word of God.
  • Maintain a consistent prayer life.
  • Fast regularly to strengthen your spirit.
  • Surround yourself with fellow warriors in Christ.


Leadership and Influence of the 1% Christian

True 1% Christians are leaders by nature. They influence those around them through their unwavering faith and dedication. David’s leadership inspired his men to become mighty warriors.

Leadership in the Kingdom of God is about servanthood. It’s about putting others first and leading by example. David served his men, and in turn, they served him faithfully.

As 1% Christians, we are called to lead in our homes, workplaces, and communities. Our influence should draw others closer to God and inspire them to live out their faith boldly.

Characteristics of Godly Leadership

  • Serve others selflessly.
  • Lead by example in your faith and actions.
  • Encourage and uplift those around you.
  • Seek God’s guidance in all decisions.


Legacy of the 1% Christian

David’s legacy as a man after God’s own heart lives on. True 1% Christians leave a lasting impact on the world. Their lives are testimonies of God’s power and grace.

Our legacy is built through our daily choices and actions. It’s about how we love, serve, and lead. It’s about the lives we touch and the faith we inspire in others.

We are called to build a legacy that glorifies God and advances His Kingdom. This is the ultimate goal of the 1% Christian.

Building a Lasting Legacy

  • Live with intentionality and purpose.
  • Invest in the lives of others.
  • Remain faithful to God’s calling.
  • Leave a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness.


Raising Children with Intentionality

True 1%ers are extremely intentional in raising their children. They engage fully in the process of nurturing and guiding their kids at home. This involves not just the physical presence but also spiritual investment.

Lay hands on your kids before they go to bed. Prophesy over them. Don’t rush through bedtime because you need your own downtime. Spend those precious moments with them; they are more likely to open up to you at the end of the day than at any other time.

Many of us didn’t have this growing up, so be what you didn’t have. Make your home a place where the supernatural is natural. Be consistent in your faith both publicly and privately. Your home should be a sanctuary, not a den of chaos and negativity.

Practical Steps for Intentional Parenting

  • Spend quality time with your children daily.
  • Pray and speak blessings over them regularly.
  • Create a consistent routine that includes spiritual activities.
  • Model the behavior and values you want to instill in them.


Fight Against Pornography

Pornography is more socially acceptable today than ever before, but it destroys lives and relationships. True 1%ers don’t just avoid pornography; they actively fight against it.

Our children are exposed to explicit content at younger ages. Be proactive: put locks on their phones, monitor their internet usage, and educate them about the dangers of pornography.

Cancel subscriptions to services that promote immoral content. Be vigilant about what enters your home. True 1%ers understand that it’s not just about avoiding sin but also about rescuing those trapped in it.

Strategies to Combat Pornography

  • Install parental controls on all devices.
  • Regularly discuss the dangers of pornography with your children.
  • Support ministries that work to rescue individuals from the porn industry.
  • Pray for those affected by pornography and for societal change.


Ending Human Trafficking

True 1%ers are committed to ending human trafficking. They understand that this modern-day slavery is a significant issue that requires action.

Partner with organizations fighting against human trafficking. Support these efforts financially, volunteer your time, and raise awareness in your community.

Stopping human trafficking isn’t just about rescuing victims; it’s about stopping the demand. Educate yourself and others about the signs of trafficking and how to report it.

Ways to Get Involved in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

  • Support anti-trafficking organizations through donations and volunteering.
  • Educate your community about human trafficking.
  • Advocate for stronger laws and policies to combat trafficking.
  • Pray for the victims, survivors, and those fighting against trafficking.


The Role of True 1%ers in Society

True 1%ers are not afraid to get involved in politics and societal issues. They understand that their faith should influence every area of their lives, including their civic responsibilities.

Jesus was actively involved in shifting the culture of His time, and we are called to do the same. Whether it’s advocating for moral standards in schools or supporting candidates who align with our values, our involvement matters.

We must be vigilant and proactive, ensuring that our actions reflect our faith. This includes voting, attending school board meetings, and being informed about local and national issues.

Steps to Influence Society as a True 1%er

  • Vote for candidates who align with biblical values.
  • Attend and participate in local government meetings.
  • Advocate for policies that protect and promote godly principles.
  • Engage in community service and outreach.


Understanding the Power of the Cross

The cross is central to our faith. Understanding its power is crucial for every believer. Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was not just a historical event; it’s a transformative reality for our lives today.

Many bypass the cross because they don’t fully grasp its significance. We need a personal revelation of what Jesus did on the cross. This understanding changes everything.

The cross is where we find freedom from sin and the power to live a holy life. It’s where we encounter God’s love and grace in the most profound way.

Deepening Your Understanding of the Cross

  • Study the biblical accounts of Jesus’s crucifixion.
  • Meditate on the significance of His sacrifice.
  • Reflect on how the cross impacts your daily life.
  • Share the message of the cross with others.


The Necessity of God’s Word

God’s Word is essential for our spiritual growth. It’s not just a book of rules; it’s the living, breathing revelation of God Himself.

Many Christians struggle to read the Bible consistently. The key is to see it not as a duty but as a relationship. When you read the Word, it transforms you from the inside out.

Just as a plant needs water, we need the Word of God. It nourishes our spirit and keeps us grounded in truth. Without it, we wither and stray from God’s path.

Developing a Consistent Bible Reading Habit

  • Set aside a specific time each day for Bible reading.
  • Use a reading plan to guide your study.
  • Pray for understanding and revelation as you read.
  • Discuss what you’ve learned with others to deepen your understanding.


The Importance of Being Spirit-Led

True 1%ers are led by the Holy Spirit in all they do. They seek His guidance and strive to live according to His leading.

Being Spirit-led means forsaking all for the sake of the Kingdom. It’s about making decisions that align with God’s will, even when it’s difficult or unpopular.

When we are led by the Spirit, we experience His power and presence in our lives. We move in the gifts of the Spirit and are not ashamed to demonstrate His power.

Living a Spirit-Led Life

  • Spend time in prayer and worship daily.
  • Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in all decisions.
  • Be open to the gifts of the Spirit and use them to serve others.
  • Live boldly for Christ, unashamed of the gospel.


Learning to Fight with Both Hands

David’s mighty men were known for their ability to fight with both hands, a skill that symbolizes spiritual ambidexterity. This concept extends beyond physical combat to our spiritual battles. We are called to be proficient in various spiritual disciplines.

Prayer, intercession, praying in tongues, laying hands on the sick, and casting out demons are all weapons in our spiritual arsenal. We should not limit ourselves to one method of service within the Kingdom of God. Instead, we should strive to be versatile and willing to serve wherever needed.

David’s mighty men were not confined to one role. They adapted and excelled in various forms of combat. Similarly, we should aim to be well-rounded in our spiritual lives, ready to engage in different forms of ministry and service.


Engaging in Worship as Warfare

Worship is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. It is not merely a time of singing but a strategic act of war against the enemy. When we raise our hands in worship, we are symbolically slinging stones and arrows at the enemy.

Many people approach worship passively, missing out on its power. Engaging fully in worship can shift atmospheres and bring about spiritual victories. It is not about personality or preference but about obedience to how God has called us to worship.

When we worship with intensity and focus, we engage in a form of spiritual warfare that can break chains and bring freedom. It is essential to prioritize worship and approach it with the seriousness it deserves.


The Call to be Instruments of Death

As believers, we are called to be instruments of death to the enemy’s camp. This means we are to actively engage in spiritual battles, bringing down strongholds and pushing back darkness.

God prepares us as His instruments of justice and judgment against spiritual wickedness. We are not to take physical vengeance but to fight in the spiritual realm, using the authority given to us by Christ.

Understanding our role as instruments of death to the enemy helps us to align our actions with God’s purposes. We are to bring life and freedom to people while simultaneously destroying the works of the enemy.


The Great Commission: Our Mission as 1%ers

The Great Commission is a call to action for all believers. As 1%ers in the Kingdom of God, we are tasked with making disciples of all nations. This mission requires dedication, sacrifice, and a willingness to go wherever God leads.

We are to preach the gospel, baptize new believers, and teach them to obey all that Jesus commanded. This is not just the job of pastors and missionaries but of every believer.

Being a 1%er means taking the Great Commission seriously. It means living out our faith boldly and sharing the love of Christ with those around us. It is about being on mission every day, in every aspect of our lives.


Facing Wilderness Seasons with Loyalty

Wilderness seasons are a part of every believer’s journey. These are times of testing, trial, and refinement. David’s mighty men endured years in the wilderness but remained loyal to him. We must also stay loyal to Jesus during our wilderness seasons.

Enduring hardship as a good soldier of Christ means not getting entangled in the affairs of this life. It requires focus, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to the mission.

In these seasons, our loyalty to Jesus is tested and strengthened. It is in the wilderness that we learn to rely fully on God and to trust in His provision and guidance.


Becoming Mighty Men and Women

Becoming mighty men and women in the Kingdom of God requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to engage in spiritual battles. It is about embracing our identity in Christ, living out our faith boldly, and fulfilling the Great Commission.

We are called to be versatile in our spiritual lives, engaging in various forms of ministry and service. Worship, prayer, and spiritual warfare are all essential aspects of our walk with God.

As we face wilderness seasons, we must remain loyal to Jesus and trust in His guidance. By doing so, we become true 1%ers, mighty warriors in the Kingdom of God, ready to bring life and freedom to those around us.


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