In the pursuit of a more profound spiritual life, David Bendett emphasizes the importance of becoming part of the ‘one percent’—a remnant of believers dedicated to living as true disciples for the Kingdom of God. This blog explores the characteristics of David’s mighty men and how their unwavering faith can inspire us to reclaim our communities and families.

Table of Contents


Introduction to the 1% Concept

The ‘1%’ concept represents a small group of believers who live as true disciples for the Kingdom of God. These individuals are dedicated to advancing God’s kingdom on earth. They are uncompromising, unwavering, and fully committed to their faith. They live with a sense of urgency and desperation, making them a rare breed of disciples. One percent believers are not just ordinary Christians; they are on fire for God, not lukewarm, but fully engaged in bringing heaven to earth.

True Discipleship

True discipleship goes beyond mere belief in Jesus; it involves active participation in God’s mission. True disciples are all-in and sold out for the Kingdom. They are willing to make sacrifices and live life on the edge for their faith. These disciples focus on bringing the principles of heaven to earth, embodying the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives.

The Context of King David and His Mighty Men

King David’s mighty men were a group of elite warriors who played a crucial role in establishing his kingdom. Their loyalty and bravery were unparalleled. David’s journey to kingship was filled with challenges. He had to navigate political and military obstacles to unify Israel. These men were not just soldiers; they were David’s closest allies. They helped him overcome numerous adversaries and secure his reign. David’s mighty men were known for their courage, strength, and unwavering loyalty. They were willing to risk their lives for their leader and their nation.

David’s Strategy with the Philistines

David’s relationship with the Philistines was complex. He used strategic alliances to his advantage. David initially partnered with the Philistines to escape Saul’s pursuit. This allowed him to live in Philistine territory, specifically in Ziklag. By aligning with the Philistines, David aimed to neutralize his enemies. He believed that by doing so, he could end Saul’s relentless pursuit. Ziklag, a twisted and winding place, became David’s refuge. It served as a strategic base for his operations against Saul.

The State of the Church in Modern Times

Today, many believe the church resembles David’s time in Ziklag, living amidst enemy territory. This has led to a sense of spiritual lethargy. Many churches have succumbed to deception and cultural lies. This has weakened their spiritual resolve and mission. Not all churches are asleep. However, a general awakening is needed to revive the Western church’s commitment to true discipleship.

The Walk of Shame and Its Implications

The “walk of shame” represents a journey of hardship and reflection. David and his men experienced this after being sent back to Ziklag. David’s men walked three days in desert heat, covering seventy-five miles. They were physically and emotionally exhausted. Upon arrival, they found their city burned and families taken. This devastation was a turning point for David and his men. Despite the tragedy, God’s providence was evident. An abandoned Egyptian led them to the Amalekites, showcasing God’s unseen plans.

Facing Despair: A Leader’s Dilemma

Imagine living in enemy territory, and then finding your home burned and your loved ones taken captive. This was David’s reality. David’s own men, his closest allies, were bitter and wanted to kill him. They blamed him for their dire circumstances.

This situation mirrors the challenges we face today. It calls for us to make decisions that bring change and influence to our communities. David’s situation is a challenge for us to step out and make a difference. We must move past our comfort zones and impact the world around us.

Our mission extends beyond our church walls. It’s about taking our faith into the community and addressing the real issues people face.

David’s Response to His Men’s Bitterness

David’s men were bitter and wanted to stone him. Yet, David’s response was crucial. Instead of wallowing in self-pity or playing the victim, David chose to act. He did not accept his circumstances passively.

David’s decision to rise above bitterness is a lesson for us. We must not become “couch Christians” or “crisis Christians.”  David’s story shows that no situation is too tangled for Jesus to resolve. He can cut through any web of despair and bring us out of hopelessness.

We are never too stuck or too far gone. Jesus offers a way out of every difficult situation.

Inquiring of the Lord

David finally inquired of the Lord after sixteen months of uncertainty. This moment marked a significant turning point for him and his men. David called upon Abiathar, the priest, to bring the ephod, and he sought God’s direction. The Lord instructed him to pursue the Amalekites, promising that they would recover everything. Receiving the word of the Lord brought clarity and determination to David. Despite the bitterness of his men, David’s conviction from God’s message influenced their next steps.

The Shift in David’s Men

David’s men were initially bitter and contemplated stoning him. However, a significant shift occurred after David received God’s word. Although the Bible does not detail how David resolved the tension with his men, it is clear that God’s word had an immediate impact. Their attitudes changed, and they aligned with David’s vision. God’s intervention in this situation underscores His power to change hearts and circumstances. When David acted honorably and sought God’s guidance, it influenced his men to follow him despite their previous bitterness. This story teaches us that our response to God’s direction can shift the circumstances around us. Trusting in God’s greater plan can bring unity and resolve conflicts in our lives.

Understanding Betrayal from Close Ones

Experiencing betrayal from those close to us can be incredibly painful. This section explores the reasons behind such actions and how to respond. Betrayal from close friends or family members can feel like a deep wound. It’s often unexpected and leaves us questioning our relationships. Betrayal often stems from deeper issues. People may act out of their own pain, confusion, or being misled. Sometimes, it’s not about us but about their struggles. Our response to betrayal is crucial. Instead of becoming bitter, we should strive to love even more. This reflects the teachings of Jesus and keeps our hearts pure.

Consequences of Being Out of God’s Will

Straying from God’s will can have far-reaching consequences. This section delves into the impacts on ourselves and those around us. When we step out of God’s will, it disrupts our lives. We may feel lost, confused, and face various struggles as a result. Our choices don’t just affect us; they impact those around us, especially our families. Our actions can lead others astray and create a ripple effect of consequences.It’s essential to own our mistakes and understand the gravity of our actions. Recognizing this can help us seek forgiveness and realign with God’s will, bringing healing to ourselves and others.

The Importance of Family and Fatherhood

Family and fatherhood play a crucial role in the well-being of individuals and society. Their impact is profound and far-reaching. Fathers provide safety, comfort, and encouragement. Their presence can significantly affect a child’s mental and emotional health.

When fathers are involved, children are more likely to excel in various aspects of life. They feel secure and supported. Family is the bedrock of society. Strong family units contribute to healthier communities and better societal outcomes.

Issues like anxiety, fear, and struggle among youth can often be traced back to family dynamics. A stable family environment can mitigate these issues. Fatherlessness is a significant problem in society today. It leads to various social and psychological issues among children and young adults.

Addressing fatherlessness can help solve a myriad of problems, from mental health issues to societal dysfunctions.

Mental Health Crisis Among Youth

Mental health issues among youth are on the rise. This crisis demands urgent attention and action. Nearly 30% of high school students and young adults experience major mental health issues such as clinical depression. Four in ten students feel persistently sad and hopeless. These numbers indicate a severe mental health crisis. Various factors contribute to this crisis, including family issues, societal pressures, and lack of support systems. Anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and social anxiety are prevalent among students. One in eight students meet the clinical criteria for anxiety. Family plays a crucial role in the mental health of youth. A supportive family environment can alleviate many mental health issues. Fatherlessness is particularly impactful. The absence of a father figure can lead to increased anxiety, fear, and emotional struggles. To address this crisis, we must focus on strengthening family units and supporting fatherhood. Schools and communities should work together to provide comprehensive support to students. Understanding the root causes and addressing them holistically can help mitigate the mental health crisis among youth.

Building an Army: Characteristics of David’s Mighty Men

David’s mighty men provide a powerful example of what it means to be part of God’s army. Their characteristics are a blueprint for us today.

  • Fierce Warriors

David’s men were fierce warriors, skilled in battle. They were ambidextrous, able to fight with both hands, and adept with bows, stones, and arrows.

This level of skill and readiness is essential for spiritual warfare. We must be prepared to defend our faith and families with the same intensity.

  • Lion-Hearted Courage

Described as having faces like lions, David’s men were calm, confident, and fearless. Proverbs 28:1 states, “The righteous are bold as a lion.”

We need this lion-hearted courage to face modern challenges. Instead of fleeing, we must run into the battle, armed with faith and determination.

  • Trained for Battle

David’s men were already trained for battle when they joined him. They knew how to handle both offense and defense, using shields and spears effectively.

Similarly, God trains us through life’s hard knocks. Our experiences prepare us to stand firm and fight for what is right.

  • Unity and Growth

As David’s army grew, it became a great force, like the army of God. This unity and growth were crucial in achieving their goals.

Our churches can learn from this. By uniting and growing in strength, we can become a formidable force for good in our communities.

  • Possessed Spiritual Discipline

David’s army was disciplined. They fasted, prayed, and were filled with the Spirit. They prophesied, remained humble, and were uncompromising in their commitment.

We need to adopt these disciplines. Fasting, prayer, and spiritual gifts are vital in maintaining our spiritual health and readiness.

  • Commitment to Family

David’s men ensured their families were healthy and protected. They knew that managing their households was crucial for their overall mission.

We must prioritize our families, ensuring they are spiritually and emotionally well. A strong family foundation supports a robust church community.

Building an army like David’s mighty men requires fierce courage, spiritual discipline, and unwavering commitment. By embodying these characteristics, we can rise to meet the challenges of our time and advance God’s kingdom on earth.

The Battle Against the Amalekites

David and his mighty men faced a formidable challenge against the Amalekites. Despite their exhaustion, they pressed on with divine assistance.

God provided David and his men with supernatural grace, enabling them to fight from twilight until the evening of the next day. This divine intervention was crucial for their victory.

They were able to recover all their families and possessions, showcasing God’s faithfulness in their mission.

Not only did they recover what was lost, but they also gained additional spoils. This mirrors the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, where they left with more than their own belongings.

This victory illustrates the abundance that comes from trusting and following God’s guidance.

The battle against the Amalekites teaches us about perseverance and divine support. Even when we are weary, God provides the strength to overcome our challenges.

We must remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that God will help us recover and bless us with more than we can imagine.


The Role of Community in Recovery

Community plays a crucial role in the journey of recovery. It offers support, guidance, and a sense of belonging that is essential for healing. Having a strong support system is vital. Communities provide emotional and practical support, helping individuals navigate their recovery journey.

In times of struggle, knowing that there are people who genuinely care and are willing to help can make a significant difference. Being part of a community allows individuals to share their experiences. This sharing fosters understanding and empathy among members.

When people realize they are not alone in their struggles, it reduces feelings of isolation and encourages mutual support. Communities also offer accountability. Regular check-ins and encouragement help individuals stay committed to their recovery goals.

Accountability partners can provide the necessary push to keep moving forward, even when the journey gets tough. Communities often have access to various resources that can aid in recovery. These include counseling services, support groups, and educational programs.

By tapping into these resources, individuals can find the help they need to overcome their challenges. Recovery is not just about overcoming personal struggles; it’s also about building strong, healthy relationships. Community involvement fosters these connections.

Strong relationships built on trust and mutual respect are foundational for long-term recovery and overall well-being.

The Church’s Call to Action

The modern church faces a critical juncture. It’s time to awaken and take bold steps to protect our families and communities.

  • Fighting for Families

Many children and families are being taken captive by societal influences. The church must rise to defend them. This isn’t about politics; it’s about safeguarding our future generations.

With approximately 400,000 churches in America, imagine the impact if we all stood united and fearless. We need to stop being afraid of losing members or funds and start addressing real issues from the pulpit.

  • Engaging in Public Education

While homeschooling is an option for some, we must also strive to bring positive change to public schools. Not everyone can homeschool, and that’s okay.

Leaders need to step up, join school boards, and influence educational policies. By doing so, we can ensure that our values are represented and our children are protected.

  • Bold Leadership

Church leaders must lead by example. They should be vocal about societal issues and guide their congregations with courage and conviction.

When pastors shy away from difficult topics, they leave their flock vulnerable to external influences. Bold leadership can inspire and mobilize the church to act decisively.

Personal Call to Action: Be a One Percenter

The call to action is clear: become a one percenter. This means stepping up and making a difference in your community and beyond.

  • Get Involved

Engage with your local community. Join city commissions, connect with city council members, and make your voice heard.

Your involvement can bring about significant change and help address the issues affecting your community.

  • Vote and Advocate

Voting is a powerful tool for change. Ensure you vote for leaders who align with your values and advocate for policies that promote justice and well-being.

Stay informed and actively participate in the democratic process to shape a better future.

  • Support Ministries

Support local ministries and organizations that help those in need. Whether it’s addiction recovery, homelessness, or mental health, your support can make a difference.

Get involved with groups like Redeemed Ministry, which provides crucial assistance to those battling addiction.

  • Be Spirit-Filled and Loving

Live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. Let your actions be guided by love, compassion, and a desire to serve others.

Show empathy and kindness to everyone you encounter, and be a source of light in their lives.

  • Get in the Trenches

Don’t shy away from difficult situations. Get in the trenches, work with those who are struggling, and help them find a way out.

Your hands-on involvement can bring hope and healing to those who need it most.

  • Go Beyond Recovery

If you have experienced recovery, now is the time to help others. Share your story, offer support, and guide others on their journey.

Remember, if God did it for you, He can do it for someone else through you. Be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change.

Prayer for Strength

In conclusion, let’s remember the power of divine intervention and our role in seeking God’s guidance. We are never alone in our struggles.


Lord, we lift up those reading this right now. We see the struggles and challenges they face. Grant them supernatural grace to overcome. Rescue those who are captive and strengthen those who are weary. Show them Your love, Father.

Lord, comfort their hearts and set them free. May they feel Your presence and know Your love. We pray together, seeking forgiveness and guidance. Lead us, Holy Spirit, in all we do. May we walk out of here transformed, filled with a hunger for Your word and a thirst for righteousness.

Lord, surround us with a supportive community, an army of believers. Strengthen us to be part of Your mission. We ask for Your mercy and forgiveness. May we leave behind our hurts and walk in the strength and comfort of Your Spirit. Thank You, Jesus, for this community and what is to come.




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