Drawing inspiration from the legendary warriors who served alongside David in biblical times, we can uncover the essence of strength, courage, and resilience that marked these remarkable individuals. In this message, Pastor Bendett delves into the key traits that not only shaped David’s warriors but also serve as a timeless blueprint for us as we navigate our own spiritual journeys. By embodying these traits, we can not only uplift ourselves but also inspire those around us to join in the pursuit of their God-given destinies, and urging us to step forward with confidence in our modern-day battles.


Table of Contents


Introduction to David’s Mighty Men

10 Now these were the heads of the mighty men whom David had, who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel.” – 1 Chronicles 11:10

David’s mighty men joined him at different stages of his journey.  Many gathered at the cave of Adullam, while others came later at Hebron when David became king.

Understanding the characteristics of David’s Mighty Men, detailed in First Chronicles and Second Samuel, first requires looking at some of David’s top warriors, who they were and what they accomplished.

Loyalty in Adversity

Loyalty is often tested in times of adversity. David’s warriors displayed unwavering loyalty even when circumstances were dire. Many of David’s men chose to follow him despite the dangers and uncertainties. They left their homes and even defected from Israel to support him. These men understood God’s prophetic promises for Israel. Their faith in these promises fueled their loyalty to David.


The Importance of Community

Community plays a crucial role in fulfilling God’s purpose. We cannot achieve our prophetic missions alone, there is strength in unity. David’s warriors strengthened themselves with him, knowing the word of the Lord. This unity was essential for their success.

The church can be messy, filled with broken people seeking healing. Despite this, community remains vital as no one can go it alone. We must embrace the mess, we are in the broken people business.


Becoming a Mighty Person for Others

Everyone needs an army of people to support them in their unique prophetic mission. Becoming a mighty person for others is the first step to finding your own support system. Even if you feel alone, feeling like you are not good enough, or feeling like your life has no purpose, become a spiritual father, mother, or mentor to someone else. This act of love and humility can attract the support you need.  When you care for others, God has a way of bringing people into your life who will support you. This reciprocal relationship is built on faithfulness and love. It’s the concept of being to someone else the thing you need in your life.


The Prophetic Promise

Each person has a prophetic promise from God. Recognizing and embracing this promise is essential for fulfilling your mission. No one is greater than another in God’s eyes, an equality in the Spirit. When you are born again, the Holy Spirit gives you an advantage to fulfill your prophetic promise. Your experiences, both good and bad, shape your ability to love and support others effectively. Learn from your experiences, use these lessons to treat others with compassion and care.


Vision and Loyalty

Vision and loyalty are intertwined in the journey of becoming a mighty person. Both are essential for fulfilling God’s promises. David’s men remained loyal because they saw beyond his flaws. They saw beyond the surface. They recognized the prophetic promise in his life. True loyalty is grounded in seeing someone’s future potential, not just their past. It requires a prophetic vision to guide and support them.


The Role of Prophetic Vision in Leadership

Prophetic vision is crucial for effective leadership. It moves beyond mere duty to a deeper commitment. Without prophetic vision, leadership becomes a burdensome duty. Divine revelation provides purpose and direction.  We need to be living a wind driven life, a life guided by the Holy Spirit. Prophetic vision binds leaders and followers through the Holy Spirit. It’s essential for fighting for and supporting one another.


The Power of Unity and Submission

Unity and submission are powerful forces in the life of a believer. They align us with God’s calling.  For EVERY BELIEVER, there are times when we feel like quitting. However, God’s call is irrevocable. We can’t run from it. We may try to stay silent, but God’s word burns within us. We must speak and act, embracing the Holy Spirit Fire within.


Mighty Men Reflecting Christ

Being a mighty person means reflecting Christ’s character. It’s about serving others, i.e servant leadership. True leaders serve others, just as Jesus did. They undergird and support their communities. In a vibrant church, everyone plays a part. We create atmospheres and develop people through active participation.


Engagement in Social Issues

Engaging in social issues is a crucial aspect of embodying the characteristics of the mighty. It’s about taking action rather than remaining passive. We see ethical and moral confusion all around us. From crime to human trafficking, these issues demand our involvement.

It’s easy to be a keyboard warrior, but real change happens through active participation. Attend city council meetings and join committees. Being involved in local governance, like school boards or ethics commissions, allows us to influence positive change directly.


The Call to Rescue and Restore

We all have a prophetic vision to rescue and restore, rooted in biblical mandates. God calls us to rescue those in prison, set captives free, and restore families. This vision drives us to act.

Our actions today impact our children and their children. We are fighting for future generations. We fight like mighty men and women for the kingdom.

Engage in social issues with a heart full of God’s perfect love. This love transforms lives and guides our actions.


Prophetic Gifts and Their Importance

“This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare” -1 Timothy 1:18

Prophetic gifts play a crucial role in the life of a believer and the church community. They are more than just spiritual abilities; they are divine tools for edification and guidance.

First Corinthians 14:1 emphasizes the pursuit of love above all else. However, it also highlights the importance of desiring spiritual gifts, especially prophecy. Prophecy is considered the greatest gift because it edifies, comforts, and encourages the church.

Prophecy requires hearing God’s voice. Without this divine connection, one cannot prophesy accurately. The words spoken must align with God’s promises and His written Word. This ensures that the prophecy is life-giving and truthful.

Prophecy enables believers to wage good warfare. As Paul advised Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18, the prophecies concerning him were a tool to fight battles effectively. This principle applies to us today; prophetic words provide the spiritual insight needed to navigate life’s challenges.

God values our obedience more than the perfection of our words. Even if we fumble or feel inadequate, stepping out in faith to deliver a prophetic word can have profound impacts. It’s about being available and willing to be used by God.


Understanding the Sons of Issachar

32 of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command; -1 Chronicles 12:32 

The sons of Issachar are a remarkable example of prophetic insight and understanding. They played a vital role in David’s army by providing divine intelligence. 1 Chronicles 12:32 describes the sons of Issachar as having an understanding of the times. The sons of Issachar had a unique gift: understanding the times and knowing what Israel ought to do. This prophetic intelligence was crucial for making strategic decisions and navigating complex situations. This ability allowed them to provide guidance and direction to Israel, ensuring that their actions were aligned with God’s will.

In today’s context, having the spirit of the sons of Issachar means seeking God’s wisdom and understanding for our lives and communities. It involves being attuned to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and applying it to our daily decisions. If you are wanting to develop this prophetic insight, immerse yourself in a prophetic culture. Attend prayer meetings, engage with prophetic communities, and study God’s Word. This environment fosters the growth of prophetic gifts and helps you understand God’s timing and direction.


David’s 600 Mighty Men

David’s original 600 mighty men would eventually turn into a much larger substantial military as three main branches would form. From the original 600 an elite force of fighters also formed.  They were charged with leadership oversight, council, guidance, and training by example. That elite force is known as, “The Thirty”. “

What made these men so special was their history and loyalty with David that built trust and confidence, as well as their incredible heroic feats and bravery that set them apart from all the rest.

The Three among The Thirty

“The Thirty” were also subdivided into squads of three, each squad of three having a leader.  The Bible gives a detailed account of all of David’s mighty men, however, there were some distinct men known as “The Three among The Thirty” who were the greatest of all of David’s mighty men: Joshua Bashebeth, Eleazar, and Shama. Their stories provide powerful lessons on courage, loyalty, and faith.

Joshua Bashebeth: The Seated One

Joshua Bashebeth, also known as Jashobeam, was one of David’s mightiest warriors. His name means “one who sits in the seat,” symbolizing a position of authority and rest.

According to 2 Samuel 23:8, Joshua Bashebeth used his spear to kill 800 enemy warriors in a single battle. This feat demonstrates not only his physical prowess but also his unwavering confidence in his God-given authority.

  • Lesson: Know your position in Christ. Just as Joshua Bashebeth kept his seat, we must understand our spiritual authority and stand firm in it.
  • Application: In life’s battles, remember that you are seated with Christ in heavenly places. This position gives you the authority to overcome any challenge.

Eleazar: God Has Helped

Eleazar, whose name means “God has helped,” exemplifies divine assistance in the face of overwhelming odds.

In 2 Samuel 23:9-10, Eleazar stood his ground alongside David when the Israelite army fled. He fought the Philistines until his hand grew tired and stuck to his sword, and the Lord brought about a great victory.

  • Lesson: Persevere in the battle. Eleazar’s story teaches us the importance of endurance and relying on God’s help.
  • Application: When you feel like giving up, remember that God is your helper. Keep fighting, and He will give you victory.

Shama: The Desert Fighter

Shama’s name means “desert,” highlighting the spiritual training that often occurs in desolate places.

In 2 Samuel 23:13-17, Shama defended a field of lentils against the Philistines. While the Israelite army fled, Shama stood his ground and secured a great victory.

  • Lesson: Stand your ground. Shama’s determination to defend his field teaches us the importance of standing firm in our responsibilities.
  • Application: Protect what God has entrusted to you, whether it’s your family, your faith, or your community. Stand firm, and God will honor your fight.


Practical Takeaways for Today

“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.” – Psalm 144:1

The stories of Joshua Bashebeth, Eleazar, and Shama offer valuable lessons for our daily lives. Here are some practical takeaways to help you become a mighty person in your own right.

Get Trained for Battle

Preparation is key to victory. In any endeavor, whether it be in sports, academics, or spiritual journeys, the groundwork you lay in advance can significantly influence the outcome. Taking the time to prepare thoroughly can mean the difference between success and failure. Investing effort in preparation not only boosts your confidence but also equips you with the necessary tools and mindset needed to face challenges head-on. It is important to remember that preparation is not just a one-time event, but an ongoing process that requires dedication and commitment.

  • Hands and Fingers: Your hands and fingers need training. This involves both physical and spiritual readiness. Just as athletes focus on building strength and agility in their hands for performance, so too should you focus on honing your spiritual faculties. This includes practicing mindfulness and developing dexterity in navigating the complexities of life. The hands can symbolize our actions, and our fingers can represent the finer details in our approach, making it essential that both are prepared for the tasks at hand.
  • Training Methods: Engage in activities that build your spiritual muscles, such as prayer, Bible study, and community service. These practices not only enrich your personal faith but also connect you with others, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Regular prayer can help center your thoughts and strengthen your resolve, while Bible study offers insights and wisdom that guide your decisions. Moreover, participating in community service allows you to put your faith into action, demonstrating compassion and support for those in need, which ultimately enhances your own spiritual growth.

Never Let Go of Your Sword

Your sword represents the Word of God, which is a powerful and essential tool in your spiritual life. No matter what trials or tribulations you may face along your journey, it is crucial to stand firm and unwavering on God’s Word. This unwavering foundation will guide you through the darkest of times and illuminate your path with divine wisdom and understanding.

  • Consistency: Even when you don’t feel like it, continue to read and meditate on the Bible regularly. Establishing a daily routine of engaging with Scripture can deepen your faith and strengthen your resolve. This commitment will not only enhance your understanding of God’s teachings but also cultivate a sense of peace and reassurance in your heart.
  • Accuracy: Learn to use the Word accurately, as it is vital for both personal growth and spiritual warfare. The Word has the incredible power to heal wounds, provide guidance, and equip you to fight against the challenges and temptations that life presents. By accurately interpreting and applying Scripture, you become more adept at using it as a shield and weapon in your spiritual battles, ensuring that you are prepared for whatever comes your way.

Be Faithful and Loyal to Jesus

Loyalty to Jesus is paramount and should be the guiding principle in every aspect of our lives. We must strive to remain steadfast in our faith, holding on to the values that define us as believers. In a world filled with distractions and moral dilemmas, it is essential that we find strength in our convictions and continually seek to deepen our relationship with Christ.

  • Integrity: Maintain your integrity even when no one is watching, for true character is revealed in moments of solitude and challenge. Let your actions reflect your beliefs, ensuring that you live a life that honors God in every choice you make.
  • Repentance: If you fall short, do not hesitate to run to God’s mercy and forgiveness, for His grace is abundant and readily available to those who seek it. Embrace the opportunity to turn back to Him, acknowledging your shortcomings and allowing His love to transform you into a better version of yourself.

Defend the Lentils

Shama valiantly defended a vast field of lentils, a crucial crop that ensured the sustenance and survival of his family during trying times. His unwavering commitment and bravery in the face of adversity serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of safeguarding what we hold dear. Similarly, we must also take it upon ourselves to protect and cherish what God has graciously given us, understanding that these blessings are not just gifts but responsibilities that require our vigilance and care.

  • Provisions: It is essential to be adequately prepared to defend your valuable resources and provisions. This means being aware of your surroundings and recognizing potential threats that could jeopardize your well-being and that of your loved ones.
  • Stand Your Ground: Do not ever let the enemy rob you of what God has entrusted to you. Stand firm in your beliefs and values, and remember that the fight for your blessings is often a testament to your faith and dedication.

Join the Ranks

We are stronger together. Just as David’s mighty men kept battle formation, we must learn to work in unity.

  • Community: Engage actively with your church and the broader community. Building strong relationships is essential, as we cannot fight these battles alone. Reach out to neighbors, participate in local events, and foster connections that promote unity and shared purpose.
  • Mutual Submission: Understand that effective leadership involves not just authority but also mutual submission and respect among all members of the team. True leadership is about listening to others, valuing their contributions, and recognizing that everyone has something important to offer.

Know God’s Word

The Word of God, often referred to as the sword of the Spirit, holds a unique and powerful significance in the realm of spiritual warfare. Understanding and utilizing the Word is fundamental for anyone who seeks to grow in their faith and stand firm against the trials of life.

  • Memorization: One of the most effective practices is to memorize scriptures that resonate deeply with your current battles and struggles. By internalizing the Word, you create a reservoir of strength and encouragement that you can draw upon in times of need. This practice not only aids in recalling God’s promises but also fortifies your spirit against doubt and despair.
  • Application: Beyond memorization, it’s crucial to apply the Word in your daily life to fully experience its transformative power. Engaging with scripture through meditation and reflection allows you to see how it can influence your thoughts, actions, and reactions. By living out the principles found in the Bible, you open yourself up to the profound changes that God can bring, leading to a more fulfilling and victorious life.

Warfare and Prophecy

Prophecy is a powerful and transformative tool in the context of spiritual warfare. It provides divine insight and direction, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and purpose. By tapping into prophetic revelation, believers can gain a deeper understanding of God’s will and His plans for their lives and the lives of those around them.

  • Self-Prophecy: It is vital to prophesy over yourself regularly. Take the time to declare God’s promises and truths over your life, affirming who you are in Him. By doing so, you align your thoughts and actions with His divine purpose, fostering a sense of hope and encouragement.
  • For Others: Additionally, use your prophetic gifts not just for personal edification but also to encourage and uplift others. By sharing prophetic words with friends, family, or your community, you can be a vessel of hope and inspiration.

Gather Intelligence

Like the sons of Issachar, who were renowned for their profound understanding of the times and their ability to discern the right course of action, it is vital for us to gather divine intelligence to effectively navigate the myriad challenges that life presents. In an ever-changing world filled with uncertainties and complexities, seeking spiritual wisdom enables us to make informed decisions and respond with grace.

  • Prayer: Dedicate intentional time in prayer to connect deeply with God, allowing yourself to be open to receiving guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. This sacred practice not only fosters a personal relationship with the divine but also helps illuminate the path ahead, even in the midst of confusion.
  • Community Input: Actively engage with prophetic communities, which can serve as valuable resources for gaining broader insights and perspectives; tapping into a collective wisdom that transcends individual understanding, enriching your journey through shared knowledge and encouragement.

Accomplish the Impossible

God’s Grace empowers us to do what seems impossible, even when the challenges before us appear insurmountable. It is through His divine strength and guidance that we can navigate the complexities of life. When we trust in Him, we open ourselves up to possibilities we never thought attainable, paving the way for remarkable transformations in our lives and the lives of those around us.

  • Faith: Have unwavering faith that God can enable you to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. This faith is not merely a passive belief; it is an active trust that fuels our actions and decisions, reminding us that with God on our side, no challenge is too great.
  • Action: Step out boldly in faith and take action, trusting that God will provide the strength you need in moments of doubt and uncertainty. Remember that every small step you take in His name can lead to significant breakthroughs and that God’s support is always present when you pursue His purpose for your life.

By applying these lessons, we can become mighty men and women of God, equipped to face any challenge and fulfill our prophetic missions.


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