As we journey through David’s life, we’re reminded that while he serves as an exemplary figure in the Old Testament, Christ stands as our ultimate standard. Through David’s experiences of humility, submission, and trust in God, we unearth valuable insights into true leadership, the importance of a remnant, and the transformative power of repentance. Join us as we explore how David’s life reflects the ultimate standard set by Christ, and how we can apply these timeless lessons to our own lives, embracing humility, forgiveness, and trust in God’s plan.

Table of Contents


The Ultimate Standard: Christ

Christ is the ultimate standard for all of us. His life serves as the greatest example of who to follow and how to live. We aim to emulate the stories of the Old Testament but recognize that Christ is our ultimate example. We should strive to live in a way that reflects His teachings and emulate His love, humility, and submission to God’s will.

Lessons from David’s Life

David’s life teaches us important lessons about humility, submission, and trust in God. His decision to repent and publicly admit his mistake serves as an example of true leadership. The story of David and his mighty men in the wilderness of En Gedi demonstrates the power of honoring God’s decisions, even when we don’t understand or agree with them. David’s choice to surrender completely to God, rather than take vengeance into his own hands, shows the importance of restraint and trust in the Lord’s timing and plan. This story serves as a reminder to be more like David and to seek to be Kingdom sheep, submitting to God’s will and trusting in His power.

God’s Desire for a Remnant

God’s desire for a remnant is evident in the story of David and his mighty men. The concept of a remnant, a small group of people who are uncompromising, unwavering, and hungry for God’s presence, is emphasized in this story. The idea of being a part of the 1% Series, where only a small amount of Christians are willing to pay the price of true devotion, reflects God’s desire for a dedicated and committed group of believers. The challenges faced by David and his men in the wilderness serve as a reminder that God is always at work, preparing and teaching His people in order to achieve His greater purpose. This story encourages us to strive to be a part of God’s remnant, seeking to embrace humility, submission, and trust in His plan.

The Importance of True Submission

True submission is crucial for every believer. Just as David submitted to God’s plan and chose not to take vengeance into his own hands, we are also called to submit to God’s will. This means trusting in His timing and plan, even when we don’t understand or agree with it. David’s example of publicly repenting and acknowledging his mistake also teaches us the importance of humility and submission to God’s authority. When we submit to God, we are demonstrating our trust in His power and sovereignty over our lives.

Power Under Restraint: Lessons from Christ

Christ’s life serves as the ultimate example of power under restraint. Despite having the authority to call down angels and exercise His power, Jesus chose to endure the cross and demonstrate humility. This powerful example shows us the importance of restraint and submission to God’s will. We are called to follow Christ’s example and exhibit power under restraint in our own lives, resisting the temptation to take vengeance into our own hands and instead trusting in God’s plan and timing.

David and His Mighty Men in the Wilderness

David and his mighty men were on the run in the wilderness for seven to ten years, facing challenges and hardships. Even in the midst of adversity, God was at work, shaping and preparing them for what was to come. The story of David and his mighty men in the wilderness demonstrates the importance of true submission and restraint, and serves as a powerful example of how to honor and trust in God’s plan, even in the face of great difficulty.

Wild Goats and Kingdom Sheep

David’s experience in the wilderness, particularly at the rocks of the wild goats, highlights the transformation from wild goats to kingdom sheep. The story of David’s interaction with King Saul and his decision to honor and spare him, despite having the opportunity to take vengeance, serves as a powerful lesson in humility, submission, and trust in God’s timing and plan. The concept of being a kingdom sheep, submitting to God’s will and trusting in His power, is emphasized as a key principle for believers. By making the choice to be kingdom sheep, individuals can learn to trust in God’s plan and demonstrate humility and restraint, ultimately fulfilling God’s greater purpose for their lives.

The Impact of Repentance and Forgiveness

David’s public repentance and humility had a profound impact on his men and on King Saul. It set an example of true submission to God, even in the face of unjust persecution. This act of repentance also showed the power of forgiveness and how it can lead to transformation and reconciliation. David’s decision to publicly repent and acknowledge his mistake demonstrated the importance of humility and submission to God’s authority. The impact of his actions resonated with his men and even with Saul, who recognized David’s character and integrity. This story serves as a powerful example of the impact of repentance and forgiveness, and how it can lead to restoration and reconciliation in relationships.

Lessons from David’s Public Repentance

David’s public repentance and humility in the wilderness of Engeti teaches us important lessons about honor, humility, and trust in God. His decision to publicly acknowledge his mistake and show respect to King Saul demonstrates the power of submission to God, even in the face of adversity. This act of humility and restraint set a standard for leadership and integrity, showing that true strength comes from submission to God’s will. David’s example highlights the importance of seeking to be Kingdom sheep, submitting to God’s will, and trusting in His power. This story challenges us to embrace humility, forgiveness, and trust in God’s plan, even when faced with difficult and unjust circumstances.

Application to Daily Life

David’s experience in the wilderness teaches us valuable lessons about honor, humility, and trust in God. Just as David demonstrated restraint and submission to God’s plan, we too can learn to exhibit these qualities in our daily lives. When faced with difficult circumstances, we can choose to be kingdom sheep, submitting to God’s will and trusting in His power, rather than reacting with anger, bitterness, or vengeance. We can also learn from David’s example of public repentance, acknowledging our mistakes and seeking forgiveness. By embracing humility and forgiveness, we can experience restoration and reconciliation in our relationships with others. Ultimately, the story of David and his mighty men reminds us of the importance of trust, submission, and humility, and challenges us to apply these principles to our own lives.


As we reflect on the lessons from David’s life and his mighty men, I invite you to consider how you can apply these principles to your own life. Are there areas where you need to embrace humility, forgiveness, and trust in God’s plan? If you find yourself struggling with anger, bitterness, or a desire for vengeance, I encourage you to seek God’s guidance and pray for His strength to help you overcome these emotions. It’s important to remember that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, and our actions and attitudes can have a powerful impact on those around us. Let’s strive to be kingdom sheep, submitting to God’s will and trusting in His power, so that we can reflect His love and grace to the world around us.



Q: What is the ultimate standard for Christians?

Christ is the ultimate standard for all of us. His life serves as the greatest example of who to follow and how to live.

Q: What is the concept of a Remnant?

The concept of a remnant, as emphasized in the 1% Series, refers to a small group of people who are uncompromising, unwavering, and hungry for God’s presence.

Q: What is the importance of true submission?

True submission is crucial for every believer. It involves trusting in God’s timing and plan, even when we don’t understand or agree with it.

Q: What is the significance of power under restraint?

Power under restraint, as exemplified in Christ’s life and David’s actions, shows the importance of resisting the temptation to take vengeance into our own hands and instead trusting in God’s plan and timing.


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