The cross is both a weapon of destruction and a harbinger of resurrection.  Through the process of dying to our old selves and embracing newness of life, we discover the importance of obedience, sacrifice, and trust in God’s plan. Join us as we unravel the significance of making daily choices that lead to either destruction or resurrection, and how the power of the cross enables us to experience continual transformation and new beginnings.”


Table of Contents

The Cross as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

The cross is not just a symbol of destruction, but also a symbol of resurrection and new life. It’s a powerful weapon that has the ability to destroy the old version of ourselves and lead us to a new and improved version. When we surrender our lives to Christ, we start a process of growth and transformation. This process takes time, and it’s not always easy, but it’s necessary for our personal development. The power of the cross lies in its ability to bring about both death and resurrection. It’s a reminder that we need to be obedient and willing to make sacrifices daily in order to follow the path set before us. The message of the cross is one of hope and new beginnings, and it serves as a powerful reminder that we can all find healing and transformation in our lives through the power of Christ.

The Understanding of Death and Resurrection

The understanding of one day dying and the next day resurrecting is a process that we all go through. It’s a journey of discovering and maturing that takes time. When we surrender our lives to Christ, we begin the process of stepping into a newness of life. This process requires us to be obedient and willing to make sacrifices daily. It’s a reminder that growth and transformation take time, and we must be patient and persist in our faith. The power of the cross lies in its ability to bring about both death and resurrection, offering hope and new beginnings to all who find healing and transformation through the power of Christ.

The Process of Stepping into a Newness of Life

Stepping into a newness of life through the power of the cross is a transformative journey. It’s a process of surrendering, dying to our old selves, and being resurrected into a new and improved version of ourselves. This process is a continual daily sacrifice, requiring obedience and constant self-sacrifice to God’s guidance and direction. When we choose to bear our cross and deny ourselves, we receive the power, guidance, and grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the commission given to us by Jesus. Through this process, we experience the spirit of adoption, the Father’s love on another level, the guidance and power of His spirit within us, and the transition from old things passing away to new things coming. It’s an ongoing journey of dying and living, reaping and sowing, and constant resurrection into the newness of life.

The Fight of Faith

The fight of faith is a continuous struggle that we all face. There’s not a person in this room that doesn’t need some form of freedom, breakthrough, deliverance, or healing. We all have struggles and issues in our lives, but the good news is that we are not alone in this fight. The power of the cross serves as a powerful reminder that we can all find healing and transformation in our lives through the power of Christ. This is a place where we can come to grow, find healing, and experience new beginnings. The fight of faith is not easy, but it’s necessary for our personal development. We must be patient and persistent in our faith, knowing that the power of the cross is at work in us, bringing hope and transformation to our lives.

The Power of Surrender and Obedience

The power of surrender and obedience is essential for stepping into a newness of life through the power of the cross. When we choose to bear our cross and deny ourselves, we receive the power, guidance, and grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the commission given to us by Jesus. This process requires us to be obedient and willing to make sacrifices daily. Through surrendering and obeying, we experience the spirit of adoption, the Father’s love on another level, and the transition from old things passing away to new things coming. It’s an ongoing journey of dying and living, a continual resurrection into the newness of life. Surrender and obedience give us the power to make the daily sacrifices necessary for transformation and growth, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

The Importance of Making the Right Choices

It’s crucial to make the right choices in life, especially when it comes to the decisions that shape our character and our future. The choices we make can lead to either destruction or resurrection. We must ask ourselves, “Who are we today that we don’t want to be tomorrow?” This requires us to reflect on our fears, worries, doubts, and other negative aspects of our lives that we wish to leave behind. Making the right choices is a process of growth and transformation, a journey of stepping into a newness of life through the power of the cross. When we choose to bear our cross and deny ourselves, we receive the power, guidance, and grace of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the commission given to us by Jesus.

The Freedom and Power of the Resurrection

The resurrection is a transformative event that brings new life and new beginnings. Just as Jesus had the power to lay down his life and take it up again, we also have the power to make daily sacrifices and experience continual resurrection into the newness of life. The power of the cross lies in its ability to bring about both death and resurrection, offering hope and new beginnings to all who find healing and transformation through the power of Christ. The resurrection gives us the freedom to let go of our old selves and embrace a new and improved version of ourselves. It’s a reminder that there is always a resurrection on the other side of death, and that the power of Christ enables us to experience this resurrection in our own lives.

The Choice Between Destruction and Resurrection

When we face struggles and issues in our lives, we have a choice between destruction and resurrection. We all have things in our lives that we wish to leave behind—fear, worry, unbelief, doubt, lack of confidence, and more. The process of stepping into a newness of life through the power of the cross requires obedience and willingness to make daily sacrifices. As we die to our old selves, we can experience resurrection into a new and improved version of ourselves. This continual daily sacrifice is essential for transformation and growth, and it requires power, guidance, and grace from the Holy Spirit. When we choose to bear our cross and deny ourselves, we receive the power to fulfill the commission given to us by Jesus. This is a reminder that growth and transformation take time, and we must be patient and persistent in our faith, knowing that the power of the cross brings hope and transformation into our lives.

The Cross as a Symbol of Power Under Restraint

The cross is a powerful symbol of both destruction and resurrection. It serves as a reminder that we have the power to choose between the two. Just as Jesus had the power to lay down his life and take it up again, we also have the power to make daily sacrifices and experience continual resurrection into the newness of life. This power under restraint is a choice, an opportunity, and a threat. When we choose to lay our lives down, we receive power, guidance, and grace from the Holy Spirit to fulfill the commission given to us by Jesus. This process of surrender and obedience is not easy, but it is necessary for personal development. It’s a continuous struggle, but with the power of the cross, we can find healing, transformation, and new beginnings.



Q: What is the meaning of “power under restraint”?

A: “Power under restraint” refers to having the power to destroy and bring new life, but choosing to use that power in a restrained and controlled manner.

Q: What is the choice between “destruction and resurrection”?

A: This choice refers to the decision to either continue destructive patterns and tendencies, or to embrace the transformation and new life that comes from surrendering and making sacrifices daily.

Q: How can I step into a “newness of life” through the power of the cross?

A: By surrendering, dying to our old selves, and being resurrected into a new and improved version of ourselves through constant sacrifice and obedience to God’s guidance and direction.

Q: What are the benefits of making the right choices in life?

A: Making the right choices leads to growth, transformation, hope, and new beginnings through the power of Christ, ultimately leading to a life that is aligned with God’s design and purpose.

Q: What is the significance of “the freedom and power of the resurrection”?

A: The resurrection offers the freedom to let go of our old selves and embrace a new and improved version of ourselves, serving as a reminder of the power of Christ to bring hope and transformation into our lives.


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