Corpus Christi, Texas

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Core Values

Rock City Church is on a mission to advance the kingdom of God by transforming both the natural and spiritual climates of our city, region, and the nations of the world. Corpus Christi translates to “Body of Christ” and it is our desire to see our city live up to its namesake.


Reflect Christ

Equip the family

A​dvance the Kingdom

Love our community





Visit Us Sundays and Wednesdays

Sundays at 9:00 am & 11:00 am
& The First Wednesday of the month at 7pm

10309 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX

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Find Your Community

It's our heart that you stay connected with other members at the church. This allows for you to be in community and do life with amazing people. Not only are there great things happening in these groups, but great friendships are also made here. Send a request to join a small group today!

Ways To Give

Rock City Church believes giving is worshipping the Lord and giving back a portion of what He has given us.

Latest Messages


Sundays 9:00 am & 11:00 am & The First Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 pm